Cooties (2014) Se Streaming

I found myself admiring the movie's stubborn adherence to its own universe and logic.. While directors Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion want to have their laughs and horror, too, the film is something of a zombie itself: half-alive and bloody, but lacking any heart.. Inception is that rare film that can be enjoyed on superficial and progressively deeper levels, a feat that uncannily mimics the mind-bending journey its protagonist takes.. The ambition on display is so huge, and the filmmaking so ...


Spy (2015) Online Streaming

McCarthy has much more to discover about herself as an actor and an avatar and a cultural signifier, and I hope she doesn't get trapped by one role, one genre or one franchise. But her campaign of conquest is going well.. Hollywood is gradually figuring out what to do with Melissa McCarthy.. McCarthy is not a one-size-fits-all talent; she needs the right vehicle. Here, Feig has given her precisely the right vehicle, and she shines.. [It] does have its moments, and it does have McCarthy. And whil...


Inception (2010) Se Streaming

Inception is that rare film that can be enjoyed on superficial and progressively deeper levels, a feat that uncannily mimics the mind-bending journey its protagonist takes.. Pretty good, not bad, but brilliant it surely ain't.. Inception is a boldly constructed wonder with plenty of -- as one character describes it -- "paradoxical architecture.". An astonishment, an engineering feat, and, finally, a folly.. Like his protagonist, Nolan excels as an implanter of subversive ideas. This time, alas, ...


Hitman (2007) Spille Streaming

The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. I really like this movie. thank you. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear my...


Resident Evil (2002) Fuld Film Streaming

Hats off, however, to the production team for the set designs and one very imaginative death-by-laser sequence. The rest is a derivative, tedious mess.. The best video-game-based movie so far.. Mildly grisly, assaultively noisy and tremendously boring.. . The most depressing thing about Resident Evil -- and there are many, trust me -- is seeing the promising star of Girlfight reduced to a direct-to-video movie cliche.. Such a bad movie that its luckiest viewers will be seated next to one of thos...


The Transporter (2002) Se Streaming

An awkward amalgam of tropes from two different sub-genres, with terrorist sleeper cells and gangster oligarchs operating side by side.. A poke in the adrenal gland.. It's also clear from the start that The Transporter is running purely on adrenaline, and once the initial high wears off, the film's shortcomings start to shine through.. The dim star wattage in this fifth rehash is palpable from the start.. . . The core essentials that made the previous Jack Ryan movies accessible and enjoyable re...


Survivor (2015) Spille Film

"Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol" is sheer hurtling mechanism-and it's great silly fun.. The countdown ending is groan-inducing, as are a number of things leading up to it.. As nimble as she is onscreen as Kate Abbott, Jovovich can't evade the movie's dull obviousness and Philip Shelby's unintentionally comic script.. Amid the choppy action and whirl of sketchy characters lie muddled messages about revenge, greed, war, hubris and the endless ripple effects of 9/11.. . . . Pierce Brosnan embar...


Beowulf (2007) Online Streaming

Pure hooey, but it certainly has a sense of humor (at least it seems like humor).. Somewhere out there, Dracula is turning over in his grave.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. By any reasonable standard, this dark vampire epic -- all massive overacting, co...


2 Guns (2013) Spille Streaming

That a movie this fleet and lean succumbs to action-blockbuster bloat in the home stretch is both disappointing and predictable, although the director deserves credit for keeping the climactic shootouts slick and spatially coherent.. Washington and Wahlberg have a good time robbing banks and blowing up buildings and barreling through military security checkpoints and double-crossing people and shooting each other because none of it really means anything.. Mark Wahlberg reunites with Contraband d...


Pain & Gain (2013) Fuld Streaming

. Non-Stop plays like what might happen if Michael Bay directed a screenplay developed for Alfred Hitchcock.. Dumb, direct and derivative.. I left Pain & Gain wondering how it managed to be both Bay's most off-putting movie and his most artistically successful.. It's official. Michael Bay, director of the Transformers clobberfests, knows how to make movies about humans, too. The problem is, he thinks humans are robots.. The movie's preposterous, complicated, and a fair amount of fun until it tri...


The Gunman (2015) Fuld Film Streaming

Kosinski offers plenty of action here, and he lets the plot reveals bleed out slowly (explanations keep coming right to the end). Yes, a great deal is derivative, but it's fast-moving derivative.. The story eventually devolves into a grab bag of sci-fi tropes but, as with so many other Cruise productions, the sheer scale of everything is so mind-numbing that you may not notice.. If nothing else, "Oblivion" will go down in film history as the movie where Tom Cruise pilots a white, sperm-shaped cr...


Battleship (2012) Spille Streaming

Something of an earnest, two-hour infomercial that should do wonders for naval recruiting if not civilian entertainment.. Mostly, Battleship is a noisy, overlong and numbing military-vs.-aliens saga with laughably bad dialogue.. Rodriguez combines sharp satire and timely political commentary with a decidedly B-movie ethos.. [It] has a plot as unambitious as a macaroni dinner, familiar and easy to eat and not particularly nutritious.. Rodriguez plans "Machete" sequels. Here's hoping the next is s...


The Wolverine (2013) Download Film

A refreshing summer cocktail of action-movie staples, The Wolverine combines the bracingly adult flavor of everyone's favorite mutant antihero with the fizzy effervescence of several mixers from the cabinet of Japanese genre cinema.. This Spidey ain't heavy, this Spidey ain't light -- this Spidey weighs in just right.. Spider-Man 2 has all manner of fancy CGI improvements on its precursor, but in the end it's the old-style action sequences that carry it.. Maguire, with his dim eyes and his forlo...


The Avengers (2012) Spille Film

A comic book movie that is bizarrely short on humour and action.. If you are a Marvel fan, then The Avengers will feel like Christmas. Thanks to the merry doings of the director, Joss Whedon, all your favorite characters are here, as shiny and as tempting as presents under the tree.. A lightweight and basically unnecessary attempt to once again bring some cinematic life to one of the lesser teams in the Marvel Universe.. Whedon, a pop-genre magician best known for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is a ...


Star Wars: Episode IV - Jedi-ridderen vender tilbage (1983) Se Streaming

A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. Unfortunately, it conveys the sense that the machinery has already started to wear down, and...


Robin Hood (2010) Online Streaming

A garish mediocrity.. It's a resolutely grim and grubby lesson in 13th-century British history filtered through all the requisite trademarks of a summer blockbuster.. Robin Hood is head and shoulders above the sort of lightheaded epics Hollywood typically offers during the summer season.. Pretty much ill-conceived from the ground up but saved by a couple of strong performances and a wealth of well-researched period detail. Not the most elegant defense, but like the movie, it'll do.. As in so man...


Spooks: The Greater Good (2015) Se Streaming

Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Thank you for g...


Iron Man 3 (2013) Download Film

Iron Man 3 has good things in it, enough to please the series' fans -- and yet too many drawbacks to win many converts.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a reboot that plays as if it were made from a starter kit. Everything comes right out of the 2014 blockbuster catalog.. The action, directed by Shane Black, ranges from passable to interminable.. The third iteration of a franchise that began so well becomes a hollow hymn to martial gadgetry. The suits and story clank in unison.. Not much of an e...


Sådan træner du din drage 2 (2014) Se Fuld Film

Hats off to Dreamworks for offering some bold surprises in a respectable sequel filled with moments of humour and emotion among its ample noise and movement.. Pompeii is a big, glorious, cheesy mess.. Despite its expanded, ambitious battle sequences, Dragon 2 is at its best when it quiets down and dares to be intimate.. This may be the first and last time anyone says this, but if "How to Train Your Dragon 2" is this good, why stop at 3 and 4?. The writer and director Dean DeBlois takes the comed...


Legion (2010) Fuld Streaming

In place of a plot, there's a premise; in place of carefully crafted action, there are stupefying exercises in computer-generated imagery, and in place of an ending, there's a hook for the sequel and, if all goes well, a new franchise.. Downey and Law remain this presumptive franchise's draw.. Casts a superficial and short-lived spell.. Downey may think this interpretation is an insight, or funny, but it pushes what was already a rude rewriting of the classic characters into eye-rolling camp. An...


Slow West (2015) Spille Streaming

The utter lack of originality eventually sinks the movie, and the climax has more howlers than a wolf convention.. Maclean's film is a wonderfully dreamy, if meandering, take on the western. Like all movies that use their fantastic surroundings, Slow West is best seen on a big screen.. "Slow West" certainly lives up to its title: It's one poky Western, plodding and perambulating and moseying across the 1870 frontier on a grim march to a pointless ending.. It's a serviceable, pleasingly CGI-unenh...


American Heist (2015) Fuld Streaming

American Heist, I want my 94 minutes back.. A run-of-the-mill crime drama that toes the risibility line on several occasions, even if it's better made than your typical straight-to-video movie.. Slick but derivative and forgettable on all levels.. Despite a few strong emotional beats, the crime drama "American Heist" proves as undistinguished as its generic title.. Adrien Brody and Hayden Christensen work hard in crime drama American Heist but can't muscle beyond average material as yin-and-yang...


Rush (2013) Spille Film

This goofily enjoyable but ultimately forgettable techno-thriller plays like a cross between Transcendence and La Femme Nikita with a bit of Hong Kong-style action and low-rent 2001-era Stanley Kubrick thrown in for good measure.. This is no mere thrill ride by two real-life rival speedsters, although it is certainly that. The film also provides a sobering look at what it takes to be a true champion.. Feigns depth, but what lingers is Besson's regressive belief that even the most intelligent wom...


22 Jump Street (2014) Fuld Film Streaming

Lord and Miller are on a roll, and there may be no better moviemakers at playing to our modern need for irony - at giving us the entertainment we crave while acknowledging our distrust of it.. If it seemed Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill couldn't possibly exceed their over-the-top buddy cop antics of 21 Jump Street, you lost that bet.. At what point is sarcasm just a cheap substitute for wit? Exactly when does joking about how all sequels are just lame, repetitive cash-grabs start to suggest that ...


The Island (2005) Spille Film

Theaters showing Michael Bay's futuristic thriller The Island won't be offering any money-back guarantees. They just need to be sure they have enough popcorn on hand.. The Island is nothing so dull as a total failure. But it has enough surprises up its clingy white sleeve to make you wish it were better.. What the clone lovers find is a new world -- it's 2019 -- of highway collisions, flying motorbikes, exploding buildings, bad acting and moral incoherence, very much like old Bay movies.. Its ta...


Charlie's Angels (2000) Online Streaming

Charlie's Angels is like the trailer for a video game movie, lacking only the video game, and the movie.. Charlie's Angels is ... Cameron Diaz's movie.. There's no grace or wit here, no surprise -- and not even much nostalgia.. Despite the fact that the film loses its razor sharp pacing and muddles its storyline, the movie still features plenty of big explosions, loud music and bare flesh.. This is nothing but trailer moments. Ex-pop video director McG couldn't organise a pillow fight in a beddi...


2012 (2009) Fuld Streaming

If this were funny, The Heat would add up to your average buddy-cop comedy. Except that it's not funny, at least not very and not often.. This oafish epic about the End of Days -- as predicted by the Mayan calendar -- operates in a dead zone roughly equidistant between parody and idiocy.. It's not really such a great achievement to have women cops in the movies acting as boorish and rowdy as their male counterparts.. As you might expect with director Roland Emmerich, the movie isn't a patch on t...


The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) Download Film

The muddy, convoluted story revolves around the star's cool-guy poses and one-liners.. Despite a few goofily entertaining moments that are so over the top they are instant camp, the movie suggests that the hero's name derives from 'ridiculous.'. The sequel baton pass at the finale is pretty nifty, but it's surely asking too much to think the filmmakers could leave us wanting more. Come to think of it, much, much less would have been best.. A messy, messianic slasher/blaster in the Matrix Half-Lo...


Green Lantern (2011) Fuld Streaming

One of the most bloodless films to ever kill thousands of people in a fell swoop.. The entire film is a romance -- visually, parentally, ecologically. It's got the emotional, humorous, exciting sweep you want from a summer movie.. You wonder if Paul W.S. Anderson is a director who might feel disrespected.. Parmageddon is nigh in this cheesy action melodrama that feels both overheated with plot developments, yet strangely curdled from a lack of histrionics that might have redeemed it as fun trash...


Sherlock Holmes 2: Skyggespillet (2011) Se Streaming

Something of an overlong, overblown, disorganized mess, despite being slightly better than its predecessor.. It's a modest improvement on bad-boy director Guy Ritchie's first tweaking of Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective.. In an act of criminal negligence, Ritchie has wasted Robert Downey Jr. in a sequel that eliminates smarts in favor of relentless headbanging.. This movie wants to be a horse but, even measured in box-office millions, it's just another nag.. The skill level in the script is...


G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Spille Streaming

[An] above average piece of junk.. It's a fine, old-fashioned-movie movie, which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance.. It's enjoyable enough while it's speeding along. Like the Joes themselves, the movie succeeds by simply crashing headfirst through every obstacle.. A big, vacuous, sometimes exciting glamour-puss of a movie.. A mediocre production that nevertheless will strike a deep and resonant chord with viewers.. There's a thin line between likably old-fas...


12 Rounds 3: Lockdown (2015) Online Streaming

A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also wh...


King Kong (2005) Spille Film

There are some dazzling moments and remarkably clunky ones, a stitched together mixture of old and new, a genre tour that jumps in tone from jaunty comedy to sci-fi horror to laboured social commentary.. Kong is a showy, state-of-the-art popcorn movie, faithful to the spirit of the 1933 original but generously adrenalized with the best effects money can buy.. In a word, Jackson's King Kong is spectacular, awesome, phenomenal and breathtaking. OK, so I can't boil it down to one word.. It takes a ...


TRON: Legacy (2010) Spille Streaming

Tron: Legacy is the kind of sensory-onslaught blockbuster that tends to put me to sleep, the way babies will nap to block out overwhelming stimuli.. Tropic Thunder is raunchy, raucous and riotously funny. But so acutely self-conscious that the effect is one of a stand-up comedian furnishing color commentary on his own act.. Lots of sizzle, not much soul, and very little sense.. TRON: Legacy proves once again that movies can be incubators for exciting technological and F/X advances... while leavi...


War Pigs (2015) Spille Streaming

This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie ...


Hellboy (2004) Download Fuld

[del Toro] doesn't quite knock it out of the park like X2 or Spider-Man, but that's not because of a weak swing.. To his credit, del Toro does not flinch from the ridiculous. But he is equally sensitive to Hellboy's pulp poetry.. Comic book fans are sure to be delighted by Hellboy, Guillermo del Toro's surprisingly smart, graphically faithful live-action adaptation of the Mike Mignola series.. For all the monstrous eviscerations, there's no real heart here.. The best comic book flick since Spide...


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Fuld Streaming

Pacy and punchy, but not quite a knockout.. With its mix of World War II nostalgia, Bam-Pow comic book sensibilities, underdog determination and red-white-and-blue battle scenes, Captain America: The First Avenger is the best Marvel superhero flick since the first Iron Man.. The only problem is that we've been there -- been nearly everywhere Captain America goes -- in countless previous movies.. "Captain America" smashingly layers superhero stuff such as magic serums atop a wry appreciation for ...


Spider-Man (2002) Se Streaming

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all...


The Equalizer (2014) Download Film

For all his faults, Gore Verbinski at least handled the action with panache. Those movies thrummed with derring-do. This one sinks.. POTC was never about nuance, and now it's even less so: It's about watching Depp fall into peril and wriggle his way out, over and over, for hours.. If you skip it, you're missing one of the year's signal works of superior Hollywood craftsmanship.. The movie was written by "Pirates" stalwarts Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. They're funny guys, and the script might we...


Spy Kids (2001) Online Streaming

Just wacky enough and gadget-driven enough to appeal to bored kids looking for fresh energies.. . Energetic and slickly done, but also somewhat soulless.. As a piece of almost dadaist filmmaking, Spy Kids is great fun with its continual spirit of invention.. A delight for 7-year-olds, their parents, and James Bond diehards everywhere.. Fulfills kids' empowerment fantasies and features enough techno-wizardry and cool f/x to satisfy those weaned on videogames.. A good live-action children's movie ...


Iron Man (2008) Se Streaming

Neon bright and all raw energy, Spring Breakers is a pulsating paradox of a movie, both a tangerine dream and a cultural reality check, a pop artifact that simultaneously exploits and explores the shallowness of pop artifacts.. A half hour, four hours, two days after walking away from it you might still flashback to its seductive, neon-lit, dayglow world.. A supremely confident, well-tooled entertainment. It's bound to be the early pace-maker for the oncoming glut of summer blockbusters.. Actual...


Smosh: The Movie (2015) Se Fuld Film

Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. The excellent per...


Pirates of the Caribbean: I Ukendt Farvand (2011) Download Film

It has the feel of a TV drama renewed for one season too many, a last, furtive run at the till before it closes for business.. With further sequels already in the works, and billions more to be made, I would nevertheless like to point out that the wind went out of these pirate ship sails a long time ago.. The movie was written by "Pirates" stalwarts Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. They're funny guys, and the script might well be funny too, but it's hard to tell from the metronome rhythms set for t...


Sucker Punch (2011) Se Streaming

Recognize J.C. Chandor as one of the most exciting writers and directors working today - after all of three films.. "A Most Violent Year," for all its other virtues, is a wise movie about leadership.. Chandor, who previously wrote and directed "Margin Call" and "All Is Lost," is already a master storyteller, and "A Most Violent Year" unfolds with beautifully controlled tension.. "A Most Violent Year" is an engrossing, often beautiful film, and a breakout opportunity for Isaac, whose similarly se...


The Karate Kid (2010) Se Fuld Film

For a movie whose outcome is never in doubt, the padding is punishing.. This year's Kid lacks the light-hearted buoyancy of the original; it's heavier with loss and a particularly vicious cruelty.. The latest "The Karate Kid" will probably work best for young audiences unaware of its predecessor - or of much of anything else for that matter.. A popcorn picture that thinks it's The Last Emperor, The Karate Kid is about as likely to grab your youngster's attention as any other propaganda film made...


Swat: Unit 887 (2015) Fuld Streaming

I really like this movie. thank you. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Music perfectly fits with th...


Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) Online Streaming

As usual with the series, the movie combines a plot line a toddler could understand with gadgets that would baffle an engineering Ph.D.. Powered by Cruise's moxie, Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol proves that in a Hollywood action-ride culture drenched in fake adrenaline, it's cathartic to encounter the real thing.. . . [Bird's] fresh touch gives breathless energy, tremendous excitement and, above all, humor to what could have been a wearying genre exercise.. . . . I'm thinking it, so I mig...


The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Spille Streaming

This might be a fun summer blockbuster if only it even remotely needed to exist.. I would argue that, in a bizarre way, Mr. Tarantino empowers women as no action-genre director before him ever has.. Even more gory and adolescent than its models, which explains both the fun and the unpleasantness of this globe-trotting romp.. It boggles the mind that after six years of silence, all Tarantino has to offer is this garbage.. Here comes another Spider-dude: This Andrew Garfield guy. So he'd better be...


Total Recall (2012) Spille Streaming

'Total Recall' is Hollywood at its worst: pointless, witless, and so very unnecessary.. "Total Recall" is a toned-down, smoothed-out version of an amped-up, bug-eyed classic.. Those who buy a ticket to Total Recall may not go in expecting a generic Bourne sequel, but that's about what they'll be getting - just set in a Blade Runner universe made of giant gray Lego blocks.. Today's Total Recall does nothing to tarnish the image of yesterday's - 22 years from now, I expect it to be hailed as a cla...


Godzilla (2014) Se Fuld Film

Ironically this big, lumbering movie could have used more, not less. More Godzilla without question, and more emotional content for its very good cast too.. Played by Ron Perlman, he's the most magnetic action hero I've come across in a long while, though I couldn't make heads or tails of this story.. Guillermo del Toro's above-average if not-quite-spectacular adaptation of Hellboy sticks to this expectation-flipping recipe and retains the comic's cheeky, po-mo spirit.. In Godzilla, director Gar...


Abernes planet Revolutionen (2014) Download Film

What's striking about this new film is that it lays out the message-mongering in such a way that you can enjoy the movie equally well on a purely action level.. It's incredible. It sets the standard for blockbuster action movies, and manages to be even better than its predecessor.. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes gets to be exciting and to say something about the world instead of merely blowing it up. The apes are among the more intellectually complex characters you're likely to spend time with t...


Thor: The Dark World (2013) Online Streaming

It's like a smorgasbord designed to give fans all they can eat -- or a roadside 24-hour buffet that clocks in, blessedly, at a mere two hours. Its welcoming air and variety can't fully disguise its lack of top-notch ingredients.. If I'm spending that much time studying Odin's grooming, there's something wrong with the story, which is kind of slow to get going and features too many undeveloped threads.. Its monsters and angry armies and visual effects are interchangeable with Peter Jackson's Tolk...


Olympus Has Fallen (2013) Download Fuld

A nitwit extravaganza that makes you long for the intellectual depth of Independence Day.. The carnage is cruel and crude.. Sadly, Mr. Butler lacks the wit and the range to convey anything other than grouchy belligerence, and the script, by Creighton Rothenberger and Katrin Benedikt, seems intent on squandering opportunities to be clever or interesting.. "Olympus Has Fallen" is everything an audience nostalgic for the Steven Seagal killfests of the '90s expects and deserves.. A typical slab of H...


Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015) Spille Film

I'm not sure what specific qualities "Jurassic World" could be said to possess, beyond a vague sense of its own importance that ... comes across in the finished product as preening self-congratulation.. Jurassic World ... hits all the expected beats of heroism, action and dinosaur dining. The tourists are delicious, and there are so many more to snack on this time!. Of the many heists and grabs that litter the movie, none is as blatant as the deft, irrepressible manner in which Ferguson, display...


Skyfall (2012) Fuld Streaming

I have seen the future of movies, and it is Avatar.. The director, Sam Mendes, has taken a pop concept and solemnized it with Freud, which is not, perhaps, the best way of turning Bond into grownup entertainment.. I had the feeling coming out of this movie that I haven't felt since maybe I was eleven years old in 1977 and I saw Star Wars for the first time.. Cameron and his legion of CGI experts and skilled craftspeople have delivered a lovely, misty, dangerous world.. Among the most ambitious i...


Pandorum (2009) Se Streaming

Director Christian Alvart and screenwriter Travis Malloy must have seen Aliens in the cradle, for they've digested it with love and delivered smart thrills that will please more than genre fans.. Train wrecks are intrinsically spectacular, and Will Smith's new movie offers a doozy. Two of them, in fact.. Hancock makes for one unexpectedly satisfying and kinky addition to Hollywood's superhero chronicles.. The sort of thing that makes you wish you were playing a video game instead.. It doesn't ta...


Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Se Streaming

A gorgeous, scrap-metal demolition derby of a popcorn picture.. There's no great meaning here - it's a basic story of rebellion and redemption. But there's such energy and visual invention in a world so fully realized and dazzling that the roller coaster ride is more than enough on its own.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. An A-plus B-movie that at times feels almost like a tone poem to early-'80s exces...


Wrath of the Titans (2012) Download Film

This big-budget production will probably look terrific in IMAX, but what you'll mostly see in "Wrath" is the spectacle of Hollywood spending money in all the wrong places.. Worthington remains a distinctly humourless hero, which makes you long for the likes of a prime-time Harrison Ford or Arnold Schwarzenegger, who knew how to make a fondue out of cheese.. What it lacks are the very elements that made the first movie such a surprise: wit and nerve.. While the special effects are sharper than in...