The Transporter Refueled (2015) Spille Film

A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Producer Luc Besson is determined to wring every last euro out of this concept, having also taken it to TV in recent years. The gas gauge is reading "empty.". Those who enjoyed the first three "Transporter" flicks and helped turn them into a mediocre, cumulative hit will get what they want, though with brutish Mr. Statham replac...


Run All Night (2015) Download Film

An admirable cat-and-mouse tale that puts forth a lot of cliches and executes them with B-movie intensity.. Neeson's whiskey-marinated Catholic anguish isn't exactly new, nor is Harris's rueful reflection on years flown. But if it's a film that sticks to the old songs, at least it plays the hits.. Under all his action-star antics, Liam Neeson is a good actor. So his insistence on repeatedly playing a variation of the same role is mystifying.. The movie is the cinematic equivalent of junk food. I...


X-Men (2000) Se Streaming

The events that end the movie are sort of anticlimactic, and the special effects, while energetic, are not as persuasive as they might be.. Apart from the brushed metal production design and pin-sharp camerawork, this offers only moderate excitement.. Whatever else we might think of Sean Penn's bid for an active middle age via The Gunman, we can't doubt his enthusiasm.. This is the sci-fi movie equivalent of a pretty damn good cover band.. It's darker, more complex and far more substantive than ...


Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Se Streaming

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be con...


The Bourne Identity (2002) Se Streaming

I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do no...


John Wick (2014) Spille Film

I absolutely loved every minute of it.. Without a buttress of cleverness, "Cooties" is mere freewheeling idiocy.. Despite the funny premise, "Cooties" doesn't live up to its potential.. Yet, for all the film's stylishness and a body count worthy of a small civil war, there's no getting around the fact that stiff, stoic Reeves -- who is capable of a few funny, deadpan lines -- isn't a particularly compelling lead action figure.. It's not perfect. But it is special, especially for a mid-budget Hol...


Heist (2015) Download Film

This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. A master...


Cooties (2014) Se Streaming

I found myself admiring the movie's stubborn adherence to its own universe and logic.. While directors Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion want to have their laughs and horror, too, the film is something of a zombie itself: half-alive and bloody, but lacking any heart.. Inception is that rare film that can be enjoyed on superficial and progressively deeper levels, a feat that uncannily mimics the mind-bending journey its protagonist takes.. The ambition on display is so huge, and the filmmaking so ...


Inception (2010) Se Streaming

Inception is that rare film that can be enjoyed on superficial and progressively deeper levels, a feat that uncannily mimics the mind-bending journey its protagonist takes.. Pretty good, not bad, but brilliant it surely ain't.. Inception is a boldly constructed wonder with plenty of -- as one character describes it -- "paradoxical architecture.". An astonishment, an engineering feat, and, finally, a folly.. Like his protagonist, Nolan excels as an implanter of subversive ideas. This time, alas, ...


Pain & Gain (2013) Fuld Streaming

. Non-Stop plays like what might happen if Michael Bay directed a screenplay developed for Alfred Hitchcock.. Dumb, direct and derivative.. I left Pain & Gain wondering how it managed to be both Bay's most off-putting movie and his most artistically successful.. It's official. Michael Bay, director of the Transformers clobberfests, knows how to make movies about humans, too. The problem is, he thinks humans are robots.. The movie's preposterous, complicated, and a fair amount of fun until it tri...


The Gunman (2015) Fuld Film Streaming

Kosinski offers plenty of action here, and he lets the plot reveals bleed out slowly (explanations keep coming right to the end). Yes, a great deal is derivative, but it's fast-moving derivative.. The story eventually devolves into a grab bag of sci-fi tropes but, as with so many other Cruise productions, the sheer scale of everything is so mind-numbing that you may not notice.. If nothing else, "Oblivion" will go down in film history as the movie where Tom Cruise pilots a white, sperm-shaped cr...


Legion (2010) Fuld Streaming

In place of a plot, there's a premise; in place of carefully crafted action, there are stupefying exercises in computer-generated imagery, and in place of an ending, there's a hook for the sequel and, if all goes well, a new franchise.. Downey and Law remain this presumptive franchise's draw.. Casts a superficial and short-lived spell.. Downey may think this interpretation is an insight, or funny, but it pushes what was already a rude rewriting of the classic characters into eye-rolling camp. An...


Sherlock Holmes 2: Skyggespillet (2011) Se Streaming

Something of an overlong, overblown, disorganized mess, despite being slightly better than its predecessor.. It's a modest improvement on bad-boy director Guy Ritchie's first tweaking of Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective.. In an act of criminal negligence, Ritchie has wasted Robert Downey Jr. in a sequel that eliminates smarts in favor of relentless headbanging.. This movie wants to be a horse but, even measured in box-office millions, it's just another nag.. The skill level in the script is...


Pandorum (2009) Se Streaming

Director Christian Alvart and screenwriter Travis Malloy must have seen Aliens in the cradle, for they've digested it with love and delivered smart thrills that will please more than genre fans.. Train wrecks are intrinsically spectacular, and Will Smith's new movie offers a doozy. Two of them, in fact.. Hancock makes for one unexpectedly satisfying and kinky addition to Hollywood's superhero chronicles.. The sort of thing that makes you wish you were playing a video game instead.. It doesn't ta...


Watchmen (2009) Online Streaming

As transferred to the big screen by director Zack Snyder, Watchmen is often visually stunning but also confusing and scattered.. Zack Snyder's film version of Watchmen is a grim and grisly excursion into comic-book mythology.. Watchmen left me looking at the exit far more often than at the screen.. I think Snyder and his writers channel moments of the humanity and humor that's always present in Moore's work.. ... A bizarrely bleak blockbuster, as director Zack Snyder ("300") turns the rich, revi...


Minority Report (2002) Spille Film

Make no mistake about it: The Patriot is a cartoon, even if it does have real people playing the parts.. . Gibson gives a mechanically precise but soulless performance in which he seems more concerned with how he looks than what his character is thinking or feeling.. As long as it stays on the battlefield, The Patriot is a brutishly compelling broad-canvas entertainment.. Ferociously intense, furiously kinetic, it's expressionist film noir science fiction that, like all good sci-fi, peers into t...


Blackhat (2015) Fuld Streaming

Score one for Satan.. A shoo-in to clean up at the next Razzie Awards.. What has gone so horribly wrong in Cage's career that he is forced to accept any paycheck that comes his way?. Nobody can top Mann's urban night scenes, with their oily neon and skyscraper light grids, but for the most part this plays like Heat without the heat.. Not only is this an amateurish travesty combining fundamentalist Christian eschatology with disaster movie b.s., but it's plodding and tedious.. Featuring local-cab...


Tomorrowland: A World Beyond (2015) Spille Film

Eye-popping and message-laden .... Tomorrowland ultimately dispenses with subtlety altogether and clubs viewers over the head with its It's a Small World After All message (yes, this is a Disney film). Still, there's much to admire.. Although "Tomorrowland" never runs out of objects or ideas, its supply of dramatic fuel soon springs a leak.. While Tomorrowland's sermonizing left me feeling grumpy... it may well have an entirely different effect on impressionable children.. For a while, it doesn'...


Sicario (2015) Online Streaming

By the end, it packs a death stare so potent it will make you want to turn a blind eye to the shadowy brutality of its real-world horrors.. Sicario paints the bleakest of portraits of a realistic situation, drawn from headlines about Mexican cartels that stack bodies with savage efficiency.. Within this dark epic of American failure lives an effective but decidedly minor vigilante flick.. An unforgettable motion picture that should be on the must-see list for anyone who appreciates films that de...


Hot Pursuit (2015) Spille Streaming

Like Max, the movie has to keep moving, and Mr. Blomkamp lets you fill in the gaps yourself as it progresses. Or not.. Although the pulp energy that Blomkamp brings to this material makes it consistently watchable, the film doesn't feel as singular as we would have hoped.. Mostly thanks to its stars, it is a perfectly acceptable, if unnecessary, addition to the angry middle-aged guy action-movie genre.. It's not only the strength of the acting that pulls us over bumps in the narrative, it's the ...