District 9 (2009) Se Streaming

The sequel baton pass at the finale is pretty nifty, but it's surely asking too much to think the filmmakers could leave us wanting more. Come to think of it, much, much less would have been best.. What an achievement in filmmaking.. In this summer of gargantuan mediocrities, a modestly budgeted project with an actual idea in its head, and the wiles to manifest it onscreen, exploding heads and all -- that's something.. This is a great movie.. The movie falls into the same uneasy category as Eigh...


Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Download Film

That first hour cooks. And the second hour brings Emily Blunt into the story, which is a fine thing for any second half to offer.. It's a head flip of a time trip.. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a dog-frequency movie: enjoyable only to those tuned in to its particular register.. I bet ten years from now this will be the norm. For now, it's almost revolutionary.. Yes, it's a B movie sci-fi thriller, but not many prestige pictures have this much going on underneath the surface.. It's a razzle-daz...


San Andreas (2015) Spille Film

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" is a sometimes daffy, occasionally baffling, surprisingly touching and even romantic adventure with one kinetic thrill after another. It earns a place of high ranking in the Marvel Universe.. It is mechanical in the worst way.. There are things in San Andreas that no one would have dreamed of seeing 40 years ago, when Earthquake (with its tacky, plaster-cracking "Sensurround") represented the state of the art. But nothing means anything.. Of course the special effects a...


4Got10 (2015) Spille Film

Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. Awesome a...


一個人的武林 (2014) Download Film

The strongest example yet of the corner [Rodriguez] seems to have painted himself into, a sad funhouse of bad movies made in thrall of bad movies.. Why spend $9 on the same stuff you can get for a buck or so in that greasy little vidgame pit in the theater lobby?. Relieved of the action-stalling expository responsibility that dogs so many movies based on superhero comics, Blade 2 goes straight for the jugular.. "Machete Kills"? "Machete Bores" is more like it.. "Machete Kills" is barely a movie....


Greven af Monte Cristo (2002) Fuld Film Streaming

All in all, it's a pretty good execution of a story that's a lot richer than the ones Hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own.. It's a fine, old-fashioned-movie movie, which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance.. A big, vacuous, sometimes exciting glamour-puss of a movie.. The classic book had a lot of complex, smart things to say about revenge. The movie doesn't.. [A] pleasant diversion.. You can count on snoozing.. It's quite entertai...


Skin Trade (2014) Se Fuld Film

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. T...


Spider-Man 3 (2007) Download Fuld

In an apparent effort to put a stake in the heart of the franchise that threatens to define his career, director Sam Raimi has delivered an overlong, visually incoherent, mean-spirited and often just plain awful Spider-Man 3.. If there's a moral to be gleaned from Spider-Man 3 -- aside from the fact that heavily promoted franchise movies tend to rake in megabucks -- it's this: Movies don't necessarily need to hit grand slams to score.. Raimi at least manages to make it both huge and human.. I li...


World War Z (2013) Download Film

As both thrilling spectacle and escapist summer entertainment, World War Z is enormously effective, with Brad Pitt at the center hopscotching the globe in search of the origin of a zombie apocalypse.. Given how efficiently World War Z has delivered jolts and screams over the course of its sleek 116-minute running time, it's easy to forgive [its] rushed and slightly muted finale.. Against considerable odds, the ability and professionalism of the cast and crew have carried the day.. Director Marc ...


Fast & Furious 4 (2009) Spille Streaming

By far the weakest entry of the four.. . The end result, while it provides moments of kinetic entertainment, is too repetitive and uneven to be satisfying.. The good news is that the movie's speedy and strong enough to deliver some well-tuned excitement, even if it's as bulky and brainlessly bright as the muscle cars it celebrates.. The reunion is fun and frantic, like the original on double nitro.. The problem with contemporary Hollywood isn't that so many of the movies it's churning out are ba...


The Interview (2014) Online Streaming

Kick-Ass is some kind of twisted fun.. If you need proof that sometimes more can be less, here you go.. Vaughn cheerfully mines the queasiness of ... contradiction for satire, but the movie takes the reality of its characters seriously. When good guys die, their loss actually stings.. [It] thinks it's so brave and bold. But it's more like the title character, a dweeb who just thinks he's tough.. Against considerable odds, the ability and professionalism of the cast and crew have carried the day....


'71 (2014) Fuld Streaming

As soon as the hero becomes another wounded demigod brooding on rooftops, the movie loses its sting.. Train wrecks are intrinsically spectacular, and Will Smith's new movie offers a doozy. Two of them, in fact.. There's a great idea here, but it's buried within a muddled story that lurches between dark comedy and maudlin drama.. Alvart achieves a strong sense of scale, but characters and ideas are lost amid a mess of fight scenes that, oddly, look like outtakes from 'The Descent'.. It doesn't ta...


Cubic (2002) Se Streaming

Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. Matrixian, Orwellian, and boneheadian.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced...


Fantastic 4 (2005) Se Fuld Film

Marvel Comics continues to empty out its stable of superheroes with this entertaining tale.. It exists largely to entertain and delight, which used to be precisely what summer blockbusters were engineered to do.. Before the inevitable and surprisingly anticlimactic battle with Doom, we are treated to two extreme-sports demonstrations, several training montages, [and] an ill-advised love triangle.. Bland performances throughout. And really, who wants to make Jessica Alba the invisible girl? What ...


Centervagten 2 (2015) Download Film

Merely lurid slice-and-dice junk put through a Cuisinart.. A movie whose chuckles (six, I counted) are outnumbered by helicopter shots of the Wynn resort in Las Vegas.. Aftershock is incompetently made and morally muddled, but since talent, morality, and Mr. Roth have never been on speaking terms, we're not exactly surprised.. This Dimension pickup is a hectic, sometimes hilarious guilty pleasure that should delight genre geeks.. Struggles to strike a tone between intense and comically cruel as ...


R.I.P.D. (2013) Fuld Film Streaming

Too bad director Robert Schwentke ("RED") and the writing team handling the 3-D screen adaptation don't hold up their end, failing to do much with a premise that felt like it could rate with, say, "Men in Black.". R.I.P.D. is a dud that squanders a decent cast and succeeds neither as the comedy nor the action film it purports to be.. It's ludicrous, but not as ludicrous as the ending -- an exhausting game of Twister that'll leave you feeling stupid or cheated or both.. We just sit there numbly, ...


The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Fuld Streaming

As a whole, the movie, whose title dimly evokes "They Were Expendable," a 1945 John Ford combat picture starring John Wayne and Robert Montgomery, might more aptly be described as Bad Kurosawa, Bad Peckinpah or Bad Leone.. I's a bit like a trip to the gym on a flat tire.. What you will find is both familiar in its contours and unique in its casting.. In Time owes as much to The Marx-Engels Reader as Bonnie and Clyde.. Feels like a jerry-built sequel.. While it is both naive and unfair to expect ...


Self/less (2015) Fuld Film Streaming

Tarsem Singh, who directed the eye-catching The Fall and Immortals, brings a comparable level of visual invention to this tale, though as usual his engagement with the material doesn't go very deep.. Self/less begins with a promising (albeit well-worn) science fiction premise, degrades it by turning it into a generic thriller, and finishes it off with a rushed, disjointed ending.. Self/Less should be called Class/Less, and its tagline should read: "The rich white guy is everyman.". What starts o...


Dracula Untold (2014) Fuld Film Streaming

The weapons, Turkish helmets and Romanian interiors are all gorgeous. If only the rest of this "Lord of the Rings" wanna-be were at the same level.. At times Dracula Untold flirts with dullness so much that it might as well just stick a stake in the heart of Bram Stoker's legacy.. And so it was, and so it was dull, the greatest villain in all cinema bitten on the neck and drained of his hottest blood.. It works neither as a sweeping historical epic nor as an action-horror hybrid.. A generic vamp...


300: Rise of an Empire (2014) Se Streaming

Murro may believe that he's directed an anti-fascist movie, but what he's really made is almost as coercive as fascist melodrama. It's a big bully of an action film.. The trouble with director Marc Webb's disappointing sequel is it wants to have it both ways: to take seriously human connection and loss and also spin the spectacular and pulpy... Spider-Man 2 never locates that sweet spot.. Amazing is a word so overused it no longer has any impact, which makes it the perfect adjective for this sec...


Thor (2011) Se Streaming

Many things within Thor must be accepted at face value, but these very things are what make the whole enterprise feel inconsequential.. Essentially, when the movie comes down to Earth it's pretty good. But when it spends time across the universe -- and it spends a lot of time across the universe -- it's pure geek fare. Which may thrill geeks but leave others yawning.. Thor seems to have little more on its mind than winning the first weekend and making its money back overseas, which it probably, ...


Gladiator (2000) Se Fuld Film

The film looks muddy, fuzzy and indistinct.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The Roman costume drama, all dressed to the IX's, has taken a long holiday from the big screen.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery a...


Oldboy (2013) Spille Streaming

This is a movie that knows exactly how dumb it is.. These kickass Barbies bring heart to a machine-tooled genre.. There's no grace or wit here, no surprise -- and not even much nostalgia.. A spectacularly silly video-game adaptation about a Fresh Prince of Gel Hair who runs around the desert with a magic dagger, a curious version of Alfred Molina and some hoity-toity chick who never breaks a sweat. It's sort of pointless.. Charlie's Angels is ... Cameron Diaz's movie.. An immensely entertaining ...


Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Fuld Streaming

The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. The less you try to make sense of "Kingsman: The Secret Service," the more you'll enjoy this freewheeling, preposterously violent action comedy from the creators of "Kick-Ass.". Kingsman: The Secret Service is a lively, dashing and amusing motion picture that smartly spoofs and slyly celebrates th...


Fantastic Four (2015) Fuld Streaming

The film's lack of scale becomes readily apparent in the final confrontation, which is surprisingly toothless.. Thus does the summer of the superhero movie stumble to an end with a whimper and a wheeze.. A lightweight and basically unnecessary attempt to once again bring some cinematic life to one of the lesser teams in the Marvel Universe.. Even a cast of our very finest 28-to-32-year-olds who can sort of pass as adolescents ... can't save this dreary, overfamiliar origin story.. Laughably chee...


Looper (2012) Spille Film

Writer-director Rian Johnson establishes himself as an original talent who clearly believes storytelling must prevail.. I'm a sucker for time-travel movies.. It's a head flip of a time trip.. A mind-bending ride that is not afraid to slow down now and again, to explore themes of regret and redemption, solitude and sacrifice, love and loss. It's a movie worth seeing and, perhaps, going back to see again.. Johnson's action scenes occasionally stumble, but the devilishly clever script makes "Looper...


Wanted (2008) Fuld Film Streaming

A rowdy jolt of quasi-nostalgic escapism.. The whole thing runs a bit over three hours, goes by swiftly, contains countless film references and includes hilarious fake trailers.. Gilroy has brought characteristic taste and skill to a nearly impossible task: embracing the past without completely erasing it, thereby creating an invitingly complicated and open-ended future.. Gilroy keeps the Bourne mythology firmly intact while moving it forward, and leaves the door open for just about anything in ...


Aftershock (2012) Spille Film

Aftershock's best attribute is the disregard it shows for the safety of its central "heroes" who perish in brutal and generally unexpected ways.. On the seismic scale of entertainment, "Aftershock" registers a 1.5.. Struggles to strike a tone between intense and comically cruel as it picks off its cast.. . Merely lurid slice-and-dice junk put through a Cuisinart.. Aftershock is incompetently made and morally muddled, but since talent, morality, and Mr. Roth have never been on speaking terms, we'...


The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Spille Streaming

It's just so very bad.. . This is a garbage heap of weak quips, delivered by an assortment of pretty boys and girls and amped up with some cheesy moments of animal cruelty.. The Day After Tomorrow is less about serious issues and more about big-money special effects and shameless sentimentality.. Crammed full of disaster-movie cliches and cardboard characters.. ... the situations are just so ludicrous that it really detracts from the quality of the special effects .... The jaw-dropping special e...


Tracers (2015) Online Streaming

With escape as its theme, this thin-plotted pleaser comes hard and goes fast, its rush premium but fleeting.. A by-the-books B movie only notable for its energetic action choreography.. "The Fast and the Furious" - except slower and less incensed.. The plot may be as creaky as an old-timer slinking across rooftops in a black turtleneck and domino mask, but the acrobatic stunts more than compensate, many of them performed by Lautner himself.. Corny twists and exchanges ensue in the wobbly story, ...


Patrioten (2000) Se Streaming

. . As long as it stays on the battlefield, The Patriot is a brutishly compelling broad-canvas entertainment.. The Patriot is a huge, bloody, 2-hour-and-40-minute battle epic, lavishly appointed and beautifully shot.. Reflects our wish to redeem ourselves through sacrifice. But that entails more than briefly nodding to our flaws, magnifying what we like best about our past, and waving it around, hoping the euphoria will resolve any contradictions.. Emmerich's battle scenes may look authentic to ...


We're the Millers (2013) Spille Film

Starts out like a salacious, rump-centric and blithely bare-breasted hip-hop video and ends up in the realm of scary and inspired trash.. Having fun has rarely felt this dangerous.. At the end of the day it's Robert Downey Jr. who powers the lift-off separating this from most other superhero movies.. Toggling between Stark's impish goatee and Iron Man's full-metal body condom, and amid so many generic fireballs, kill shots and earsplitting thumps, bumps and crunches, the film finally collapses u...


The Bourne Legacy (2012) Download Film

Tarantino must get a kick hearing his fantasies come out of these mouths. But for the first time here, it seems more than a little creepy.. Gilroy keeps the Bourne mythology firmly intact while moving it forward, and leaves the door open for just about anything in the future.. Renner and Weisz work well together as two hunted souls who initially need each other for utilitarian reasons.. It all but squanders Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz, although with actors less appealing, "The Bourne Legacy" ...


Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Download Fuld

The sharp, interpersonal dramedy that made the first movie such a delight is again present in flashes, but not infrequently it is drowned out by the noisy, inevitable need to Save the World.. By making the Avengers snarky rivals as well as brothers and sisters in arms, franchise Big Brain Joss Whedon injects exactly what such a noisy spectacle needs: a dollop of charm.. It is, in short, more disposable than the mere mortal blockbusters it was designed to outpace. This should defy Marvel Studios ...


Navy Seals vs. Zombies (2015) Fuld Film Streaming

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. I really like this movie. thank you. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A masterpiece of genr...


The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Se Streaming

The sequel baton pass at the finale is pretty nifty, but it's surely asking too much to think the filmmakers could leave us wanting more. Come to think of it, much, much less would have been best.. The muddy, convoluted story revolves around the star's cool-guy poses and one-liners.. Writer-director David Twohy has a much bigger budget than he did for Pitch Black, but he makes the all-too-common mistake of believing money can substitute for imagination.. Every time the focus switches to Michael ...


X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Se Streaming

All you need to know about Taken 3 is that Liam Neeson survives an explosive car crash - twice.. Padilha is Brazilian, and it's interesting that both RoboCops have been made by men whose non-Hollywood work focused on their respective countries' curdled politics.. The film has lots of energized mayhem, and Murphy's unraveling of the conspiracy against him isn't dumbed down, yet it's as if the comic-book action poetry of the original has been encased in a suit of generic armor.. Neither Alex Murph...


Jurassic Park III (2001) Se Streaming

The third time around is at least one time too many.. . True, the film offers little new, but it's still stirring family entertainment.... Relatively speaking, Jurassic Park III is a disappointment of behemoth proportions.. Has the integrity of a solid B-movie.. A third time? Think Thanksgiving leftovers -- in December.. Dinosaurs rule movie but flimsy screenplay undercuts intense action.. What makes it worth sitting through is the chance it offers to catch up on the technical advances since the...


劇場版 ドラゴンボールZ 復活のF (2015) Download Fuld

Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. I really like this movie. thank you. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. A masterpi...


Non-Stop (2014) Spille Streaming

Non-Stop gets increasingly far-fetched as the jet makes its way across the Atlantic.. The filmmaking is playful without feeling jokey, the narrative stuffed with fun complications.. Dumb, direct and derivative.. A step backward from The Arrival.. A routine sci-fi/horror action-adventure, takes us where we've been countless times before.. Why demand logic of an action movie released in February, when audiences just want a nice, bumpy ride?. "Non-Stop" doesn't make any sense, but that's expected, ...


Kick-Ass (2010) Download Film

World War Z opens with an undeniable bang. But if this is the way the world ends, we're going out with a whimper.. A mosh pit of a comic-book movie that dares you to dive into its anarchy.. I found it mighty painful sitting through all the bone crushing and blood-letting.. World War Z hits the blockbuster equivalent of a delicate balance: gargantuan spectacle with a human touch.. As compelling as Pitt is at reflecting the world's pain through Lane's eyes, the movie treats him too often as if he ...


Van Helsing (2004) Spille Streaming

This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and i...


Terminator Genisys (2015) Online Streaming

For all its weaknesses, "Terminator Genisys" is a "Terminator" movie that feels like a "Terminator" movie, more than did "Terminator 3," not to mention the ghastly "Terminator Salvation.". "Terminator Genisys" turns unfortunately jokey and self-referential, to the point that it borders on parody.. As lousy as the movie is, I must speak up for its makers' valiant attempt to make something old look new and also old ... and new. It's a vexing problem for a system that relies on sequels, "franchises...


Vampire Academy (2014) Download Fuld

If a supernatural teen film ever required CliffsNotes, it would be this one.. For smart, strong girls, and the guys who like them, Vampire Academy will hit a vein.. [Mr. Waters] doesn't seem especially interested in the supernatural parts of "Vampire Academy," and he clearly didn't have the budget to make what little hocus-pocus there is magical.. Ultimately more "Meaningless" than "Mean Girls," "Vampire Academy" is a busy, overcomplicated empowerment fantasy with more hormones than brain cells....


300 (2006) Se Streaming

300, even with its impressive vistas of computer-generated soldiers, is just a throwaway epic.. Just like he does with those crummy Sherlock Holmes movies, Downey elevates this rather flimsy material with his sheer presence.. The third iteration of a franchise that began so well becomes a hollow hymn to martial gadgetry. The suits and story clank in unison.. Attached to this movie, the title no longer sounds zany; it looks like a series of keywords.. In one way, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a...


Body of Lies (2008) Download Fuld

DiCaprio's solid, though I wonder if a real CIA agent could get away with looking so earnest every second. Crowe has the right idea, in addition to all the fun: Just throw it away, throw it away and pretty soon you build yourself a clever characterization. Good solid far-fetched multiplex action-adventure fare in the Bondian mode, with awe-inspiring technology and just enough moral philosophizing laced through it to give the mind a little something to chew on.. This makes for a movie experience ...


Oblivion (2013) Download Film

The sly, surprising and visually magnificent Tom Cruise vehicle that has forced me - and many other people, I suspect - to revise my first opinion of director Joseph Kosinski.. Glossy, derivative, ambitious and fatally underpowered.. The agony of being a longtime Tom Cruise fan has always been a burden, but now it's just, well, dispiriting.. The story eventually devolves into a grab bag of sci-fi tropes but, as with so many other Cruise productions, the sheer scale of everything is so mind-numbi...


The Mortal Instruments: Dæmonernes By (2013) Spille Streaming

City of Bones isn't the worst of its kind, but crap served with flair is still basically crap.. The worst thing about the new Steven Spielberg picture is the title, Minority Report. The best thing about it is pretty much everything else.. It sticks so closely to the YA formula that it feels like a mashup of a watery fantasy with soap opera. Suds overflow.. There are too many characters, and too many of them spend too much time morphing into something else.. The Patriot is a huge, bloody, 2-hour-...


3 Days to Kill (2014) Spille Film

Contrived and manic, Days can't decide whether it's a thriller, comedy or feel-good family film.. The idea seems to have been to explore how little sense a movie could make, and how little that could matter, and also to allow Mr. Costner to indulge in some good-natured sadism and a bit of middle-aged sentimentality.. To the degree that the film works, it's because Costner plays the straight man.. The movie never finds a way to blend the emotional and the rat-a-tat-tat into one seamless package t...


American Sniper (2014) Spille Film

American Sniper has a perspective that's recognizable from the classic Westerns Eastwood has long been associated with, both as an actor and a director. It's an existential critique of violent machismo that doubles as a celebration of violence.. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," Shakespeare wrote. But is that true when the coronet is no more than a backward ballcap balancing a pair of wraparound shades?. This is really the story of how the Enterprise crew meets, hammers out its differen...


The Bourne Supremacy - Bourneduellen (2004) Se Fuld Film

A witty and entertaining action movie.. Those turned off by the first part's reckless, relentless violent purges aren't likely to find cause for conversion, but Vol. 2 certainly broadens the tale's remit, even as it aims to deepen it.. Body of Lies has nothing to say about geopolitics, the action scenes are formulaic, and DiCaprio is rarely on the screen with Crowe, who coasts through the most puzzling performance of his career.. People who stayed away from Vol. 1 because of its genre-dictated v...


The Expendables (2010) Download Film

While Stallone's film won't win any Oscars, it gives off a dopey genre high that's hard not to catch.. The rest of the mayhem is simply ultraviolent, nonstop, and numbing. Better jokes might have helped.. Stallone! Willis! Schwarzenegger! They're lovin' it, so I guess we have to, too.. As a whole, the movie, whose title dimly evokes "They Were Expendable," a 1945 John Ford combat picture starring John Wayne and Robert Montgomery, might more aptly be described as Bad Kurosawa, Bad Peckinpah or Ba...


Final Girl (2015) Se Fuld Film

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing c...


Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Se Streaming

Most of the logic has leached away from this movie, and with it half of the fun.. For two movies in a row now -- and possibly even more in the second than the first -- [Abrams has] caught some of the spark of the first Star Trek without either mimicking or desecrating the original.. I thought it was really fun, an inventive, surprising rethinking of some of "Star Trek's" most hallowed inventions, but I'm not wedded to the source material as gospel. Trekkies will think it's a desecration. So, pic...


Spionen fra U.N.C.L.E. (2015) Spille Streaming

Moses is imagined as if Scott met him on an awkward first date.. It's got all the ingredients - improbable romances, partial nudity, ridiculous escapes - that make it little more than big-sound and big-picture fodder for the Imax screens it will appear on throughout the country.. This is spectacular entertainment, practically a theme park ride, that could have used more spirituality and soul.. There is an exquisite order in the chaos, a fascist formality and video game surrealism that resists th...


The Fast and the Furious (2001) Spille Streaming

It doesn't matter that we know where it's going, what counts is that Cohen keeps his pedal to the floor and that his actors gun their lines with absolute conviction. Loud cars, fast music: this movie knows exactly what it's about.. The film fuses an indie/punk rock sensibility with comic-book violence and video game energy, mixed with quirky humor and sassy pop culture references.. This is a romantic adventure for the ADD age, a pop poem for Millennials that could just as well be titled Scott Pi...


Alexander (2004) Fuld Streaming

It was resonant in the gung-ho '80s, and it's a notion every generation deserves to discover anew. Based on the young Smith's considerable wattage, this Kid may just surpass the original.. . Epic in scale but not epic in spirit, a wallow in carnage that fails to demonstrate what was so great about this conqueror, after all.. . The Karate Kid is precisely the sort of rousing, stand-up-and-cheer, feel-good entertainment movie audiences have been starved for this summer.. For a movie whose outcome ...


Rejsen til Jordens Indre (2008) Download Film

A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well abo...